Prisons and Medical Services; the Impact of War on Khartoum – Aljazeera and Al-Arabiya Report

Above, screengrabs from the Aljazeera report on security breaches in Sudanese prisons, and below, opening scene from Al Arabiya’s brief headlines report on the health crisis in Khartoum. Background to This Week’s Texts The two texts below are an excellent resource for testing your intermediate to upper- intermediate grasp of rapid, dense, headline-based snapshot reportsContinue reading “Prisons and Medical Services; the Impact of War on Khartoum – Aljazeera and Al-Arabiya Report”

Pulling a “Long Nine” – Crime in Khartoum

Background to This Week’s Text This week’s 6-minute intermediate-level, topical Aljazeera news report is dedicated to a growing crime phenomenon hitting the streets of Khartoum. It has become the subject of numerous Youtube videos and there has been much speculation both as to its causes and how to combat it. The report describes the crimeContinue reading “Pulling a “Long Nine” – Crime in Khartoum”

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